JupyterLab Changelog#


JupyterLab 4.3 includes a number of new features (described below), bug fixes, and enhancements. This release is compatible with extensions supporting JupyterLab 4.0. Extension authors are recommended to consult the Extension Migration Guide which lists deprecations and changes to the public API.


The virtual scrollbar now acts as a minimap and exposes information on whether a cell:

  • is running/scheduled ([*]), idle ([ ]) or was already run (e.g. [1])

  • was modified since it was last executed (“dirty”) - orange background

  • has an output that contains an error - red background

  • is markdown/code ([ ]/[*]/[1] for code, nothing for markdown)

  • how much text/code it contains

To enable the minimap, click on the hamburger icon (≡) which appears in the notebook’s toolbar. If you do not see the hamburger icon, go to Settings → Notebook → Windowing mode and choose “full”.

Fullscreen mode#

JupyterLab now offers two ways to toggle the full screen mode from within the application:

  • using the ViewAppearanceFullscreen Mode menu entry

  • using a customizable shortcut, by default F11 (custom shortcuts are supported in Chrome, Safari and Edge)

File browser enhancements#

The file browser now:

  • supports resizing the columns and remembers the column sizes after reloading JupyterLab

  • supports uploading folders by drag-and-drop

  • supports navigation with a single click (opt-in)

  • has the file filter collapsed by default (funnel icon), increasing the space available

Server-side execution and collaboration#

JupyterLab 4.2 added the option for extensions to implement server-side execution, which preserves outputs created when the browser window is closed or disconnected. The server-side execution builds on the same shared models API as the real-time collaboration (RTC).

This release includes additional work, improving both the server-side execution and real-time collaboration (RTC) use cases:

  • the intermediary state of streaming outputs is now optimized away preventing a memory leak when using shared models with long-running computations,

  • the cell execution indicator ([*]) is now synchronized in the model, allowing collaborators to see that a cell is executed, and allowing server-side execution extensions to populate the state accordingly,

  • the issue of spurious “File Change” dialog on save was addressed by enabling the collaborative models extension to update the document hash.

You can try these features by installing extensions:

* while jupyter-server-nbmodel is developed by maintainers of JupyterLab, as of the JupyterLab 4.3.0 release date it is not an official Project Jupyter extension.

Improved kernel and server interactions#

The previous release enabled connecting to external kernels, such as those spawned by a third-party application like Blender. In this release the kernel selector dialog was improved to also show the external kernels.

The previous release improved the awareness of the kernel/kernel specification distinction by providing both tree and list view in the kernels sidebar panel, but only the tree view featured the kernel identifiers. In this release both the list and tree view show the kernel identifier stub.

A new toolbar button was added in the kernel allowing to shut down unused kernels (kernels with no widget attached).

The following dialog windows can now be dismissed or silenced:

  • the “Server Connection Error” dialog now has an option to dismiss it for the duration of the session,

  • the “Restart Kernel?” dialog now has an option to not ask again. This preference is persisted in settings ( skipKernelRestartDialog),


Workspaces UI#

It is now possible to switch and manage workspaces from within JupyterLab.

Recently opened/closed files#

The jupyterlab-recents extension was integrated into JupyterLab.

Users are now able to:

  • re-open recently used files from the main menu:

  • re-open recently closed files from the sidebar:

  • quickly jump to open tabs/recently closed files by using a new searchable modal dialog (press Ctrl+Alt+A to open the dialog, or click on the [↗] icon in the sidebar):

Full notebook windowing mode by default#

Notebooks in the full windowing mode only render the visible cells, significantly improving the performance of the application. One limitation of full mode is that the search function in your browser may produce false negatives; using the JupyterLab search function is recommended. To revert to the behaviour from JupyterLab 4.1, go to Settings → Settings Editor → Notebook, scroll to “Windowing mode”, and choose defer.

Improved Shortcuts Editor#

Among the numerous improvements and bug fixes for the keyboard shortcuts editor:

  • it is now possible to remove the default shortcuts,

  • shortcuts are correctly sorted when using a language pack,

  • shortcuts with different arguments are now correctly displayed as individual entries.

Dark high contrast theme#

A new theme, JupyterLab Dark High Contrast, which is intended to benefit users with the need for higher contrast, following the WCAG AAA accessibility standard for color contrast. To select this theme, from the menu bar, choose Settings → Theme → JupyterLab Dark High Contrast. Please provide feedback and suggestions on further improvements to this theme.

Keyboard shortcuts improvements#

Following feedback from users, implementation of certain shortcuts was moved from the CodeMirror editor to JupyterLab shortcut system, allowing for better integration:

  • the shortcut for deleting a line was restored to Ctrl+D as in JupyterLab 3.x; the shortcut for extending (multi-cursor) selection was remapped to Ctrl+Shift+D. The Ctrl+Shift+K shortcut can also be used for deleting lines for compatibility with other editors.

  • the shortcuts for toggling line comments (by default Ctrl+/) and block comments (by default Alt+A) can be customized in the Shortcuts Editor, enabling users of non-US keyboards to adjust the keybinding to one optimal on their keyboard layout. Please note that the block comment only works in languages which have a dedicated block comment syntax defined in the CodeMirror language data (e.g. C, JavaScript, but not Python). The line comment shortcut can be also used to comment out multiple lines.


JupyterLab 4.1 includes a number of new features (described below), bug fixes, and enhancements for extension developers. This release is compatible with extensions supporting JupyterLab 4.0. Extension authors are recommended to consult the Extension Migration Guide which lists deprecations and changes to the public API.

Custom CSS#

JupyterLab now supports automatic loading of custom CSS. Themes are the recommended way for customizing the JupyterLab look and feel, while custom CSS is intended for minor personal adjustments.

To opt in, start JupyterLab with the --custom-css flag. The location of the custom.css file is documented in the section on customizing the user interface.


custom.css is also available in Jupyter Notebook; while similar selectors can be used for components shared between JupyterLab 4.1 and Jupyter Notebook 7.0, there was a different set of selectors in Notebook 6 and older versions. Users with the custom CSS file using the selectors from legacy Notebook versions will need to update them and note that tutorials may refer to the selectors for the old Notebook versions.

Diagrams in Markdown#

Matching GitHub-Flavoured Markdown, JupyterLab 4.1 now supports Mermaid diagrams. To create a mermaid diagram use the mermaid language specifier for a code block in a markdown cell or document, for example:

flowchart LR

A[Hard] -->|Text| B(Round)
B --> C{Decision}
C -->|One| D[Result 1]
C -->|Two| E[Result 2]

which renders as:

Inline completer#

JupyterLab now supports completion presented as ghost text in the cell and file editors, allowing generative AI models to provide multi-line completions. The suggestions are provided by plugins implementing the IInlineCompletionProvider API; by default a single provider which uses kernel history is available.

The suggestions can be invoked as-you-type or manually using a configurable shortcut (by default Alt + \). The default keyboard shortcuts are displayed in the small widget shown when hovering over the ghost suggestion:

  • Alt + End - accept suggestion

  • Alt + [ - previous suggestion

  • Alt + ] - next suggestion

To enable the inline suggestions based on the kernel history, go to Settings → Inline Completer → History provider → check the “enabled” checkbox.

In addition to the built-in history suggestions, the jupyter-ai extension can provide suggestions from supported models. The jupyter-ai integration with inline completer is available starting with the v2.10.0 release.

The Inline Completer API is still considered experimental and may be subject to changes, please share feedback!

Keyboard navigation improvements#

Numerous improvements to keyboard navigation with focus on accessibility and usability are included in this release:

  • the notebook cells now retain focus

  • the focus can now be moved beyond the active notebook

  • the toolbars can now be navigated using arrow keys

For more details, see this post on the Jupyter Blog.

Execution history in notebook#

The code from previously executed cells can be used to populate empty cells, allowing to iterate on code from previous cells or even previous sessions (depending on how a specific kernel stores history).

To cycle between history items, press Alt + Arrow Up and Alt + Arrow Down.

To enable execution history, go to Settings → Notebook → check the “Kernel history access” checkbox.

This feature was already available in the console in previous releases; it only works with kernels supporting execution history requests. To clear the execution history, consult the documentation of the kernel you are using (e.g., IPython/ipykernel).

Opening files from tracebacks#

Paths to code files detected in tracebacks returned by kernels on execution error are now turned into links. These links will open the corresponding file for editing, if it is in the Jupyter root directory, or they will open a read-only preview if the file is outside of the root directory and the active kernel supports the debugger.

Error indicator in the table of contents#

When a cell fails during execution, an error indicator will be displayed by the corresponding heading, increasing awareness of the notebook state and enabling users to quickly navigate to the cell which requires attention.

Plugin Manager#

Individual plugins can now be disabled or enabled from a new Plugin Manager user interface. Each extension is composed of one or more plugins, and plugins form the basis of JupyterLab itself, thus the plugin manager enables more extensive customization of the JupyterLab experience.

This feature is intended for advanced users and is documented in depth in the documentation.

Administrators may want to lock specific plugins if they are required for any reason; this will prevent users from disabling the plugins via Plugin Manager and remote API calls. The Plugin Manager itself can be disabled using the CLI.

Virtual scrollbar for notebook in windowed mode#

The windowed notebook received an optional scrollbar delineating the active cell and selected cells. Users can jump to a specific cell.

To enable the virtual scrollbar, go to Settings → Notebook → Windowing mode, choose “full”, and click on the hamburger icon (≡) which appears in the notebook’s toolbar.

Virtual scrollbar is considered experimental, please share feedback!


JupyterLab 3.6 added a notification center which so far was only used for announcements and version update notifications (both opt-in). JupyterLab 4.1 adds two notifications to guide users in potentially confusing situations:

  • when a user attempts to save a read-only document, a transient notification suggesting using “save as” is displayed

  • when a user attempts to execute a cell before a slow-starting kernel has initialized, a notification is shown to indicate that the cell cannot be yet executed (this is opt-in and needs to be enabled in settings)

Full notebook windowing mode improvements#

Notebooks in the full windowing mode only render the visible cells, significantly improving the performance of the application. Numerous improvements for the full windowing mode behaviour (such as scrolling, search, rendering, and navigation) are included in this release (see the list of issues in #15258 for details).


The windowing mode is still experimental and known issues remain to be solved (#15415, #15465, #15594). In addition, a sporadic regression in cell ordering (#15610) was observed in 4.1 beta, and remains to be fixed, pending reports from users willing to test the windowing mode in JupyterLab 4.1 to help create reproducible steps that would enable fixing this issue.

Users who already enabled this mode in previous versions are advised to evaluate the benefits of fixes included in 4.1 against regressions linked above before deciding to upgrade.

Search improvements#

  • The search box will now grow automatically to accommodate longer text

  • Search in selection can now be toggled using Alt + L and automatic search in selection can be configured in settings

  • Tooltips with shortcuts were added to the buttons in the search box to improve discoverability of the shortcuts


  • The current theme (dark/light) can now be synced with the browser/system preference (Settings menu → Theme → Synchronise with System Settings)

  • A blue “read-only” status indicator is now displayed in the toolbar of documents which cannot be saved because their model is read-only.

  • Native support for viewing jsonl/ndjson files was added

  • Collapsing of breadcrumbs in the File Browser can be disabled in File Browser settings

  • Extension manager can now use a HTTP proxy for fetching extensions

Moved plugins#

Some internal JupyterLab plugins have been re-organized to allow for better flexibility for deployments and downstream applications like Notebook 7. This might affect users that disable specific plugins with the jupyter labextension disable command or the disabledExtensions config option.

  • The help:open command is not defined in the @jupyterlab/help-extension:resources plugin anymore, but has been moved to a new @jupyterlab/help-extension:open plugin instead.


4.0.0 - Highlights#

Below are the major highlights in JupyterLab 4.0.0.

New text editor#

CodeMirror, the text editor used for cells and file editors, has been updated to CodeMirror 6. This brings important accessibility and performance improvements as well as better customization capabilities. We have also improved the editor settings. Previously, users had to customize settings separately for each type of cell, the file editor, and the console editor. Now, you can change your settings in one place. It is now easier to use the default settings for all editors and to change some settings for specific cases. For example, you can now hide line numbers only for markdown cells.

Developers can now provide editor extensions, like themes and programming language parsers, through new application registries.

New extension manager#

Starting with JupyterLab 3, extensions can be installed via Python packages (or other providers of prebuilt extensions).

In JupyterLab 4, building on this feature, the Extension Manager now includes extensions from pypi.org. This removes the build step from installation of extension when using Extension Manager.

Developers can provide an alternative package repository to display their own set of extensions.

UI improvements#

Some new elements have been added or changed in the UI:

  • Rework the running kernels section

  • “Add a new cell” button at the bottom of a notebook

  • Dialog to display keyboard shortcuts as in the Classic Notebook (use Ctrl + Shift + H)

  • Display the first line of cell input and outputs when they are collapsed

Accessibility improvements#

JupyterLab is not yet fully accessible. Currently, we are focused on making Notebook 7 accessible. A big part of the code is shared, though, and the following accessibility improvements are in JupyterLab 4:

  • Improved focus and keyboard navigation in the file browser

  • More ARIA roles and labels were added to UI elements

  • Main menu collapses to a hamburger menu if there is not enough space to display all items.

Performance enhancements#

JupyterLab is now faster, thanks to the following improvements:

  • CSS rules optimization: CSS selectors have been optimized to improve web browser performance when many elements are present on a page.

  • Upgrade to CodeMirror 6: Especially for notebooks with many cells, the new CodeMirror version is far more efficient than the previous version. Large notebooks should load more quickly.

  • Upgrade to MathJax 3: The mathematical equations renderer library has been been upgraded from v2 to v3 allowing faster rendering.

  • Notebook windowing: By rendering only the parts of a notebook that fit in the web browser viewport, JupyterLab is much more efficient. See an important note below.

Notebook windowing might add side effects for example if some cell outputs are displaying iframes. Therefore it is not yet the default value. But we recommend user to switch to it and report bugs to help us polish it. To test it, you need to set the user setting Notebook > Windowing mode to full. If you have issues with notebook rendering, try changing back to defer or none. (none should be used as a last resort, because it disables all optimizations.)

Real Time Collaboration#

JupyterLab 3.6 already made significant improvements to the Real Time Collaboration (RTC) feature. The feature is now in a separate repository: jupyter_collaboration. The rationale is to limit the dependencies for users who don’t need RTC. Separating RTC also helps organizations using JupyterLab that do not meet the specific requirements regarding file content management.

To enable RTC, install the jupyter-collaboration package with either pip or conda.

  • with pip: pip install "jupyter-collaboration>=1.0.0a0"

  • with conda: not yet available

RTC highlights in the standalone jupyter-collboration package, version 1.0.0, include:

  • Support for displaying multiple cursors and selections

  • Support for registration of new shared model types

For developers#

Here are the main tool updates that will benefit extension authors and developers:

  • TypeScript v5

  • Yarn v3

  • React v18

  • Lumino v2

We recommend using Node.js v18 or newer, because older versions will reach end of life in 2023 or earlier (see Node release schedule).

To ease code migration to JupyterLab 4, developers should review the migration guide. A few existing extensions have already been migrated and can be used as examples:


(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@afshin | @andreytaboola | @bollwyvl | @brichet | @Darshan808 | @davidbrochart | @echarles | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @hxrshxz | @ianthomas23 | @JasonWeill | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @lumberbot-app | @meeseeksmachine | @SylvainCorlay


(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@bollwyvl | @Darshan808 | @davidbrochart | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @meeseeksmachine


(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@JasonWeill | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @meeseeksmachine


(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@claytonparnell | @Darshan808 | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @lumberbot-app | @meeseeksmachine | @RRosio


(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@Darshan808 | @JasonWeill | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @kellyrowland | @krassowski | @kuraga | @meeseeksmachine


(Full Changelog)

New features added#

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@achhina | @afshin | @ajbozarth | @algonell | @andrewfulton9 | @andreytaboola | @andrii-i | @bollwyvl | @brichet | @ChairBorn | @cmarmo | @Darshan808 | @davidbrochart | @dependabot | @dhysdrn | @doshi-kevin | @echarles | @EdsterG | @ellisonbg | @ericsnekbytes | @fcollonval | @g547315 | @gabalafou | @gderocher | @github-actions | @guyq1997 | @HaudinFlorence | @hnben | @itsmevichu | @j264415 | @JasonWeill | @jgoodson | @joaopalmeiro | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @kaushalaaditya99 | @krassowski | @krishanbhasin-px | @lumberbot-app | @mahendrapaipuri | @maitreya2954 | @Mehak261124 | @mjpsyapse | @Nagidrop | @Nazeeh21 | @nekomeowww | @NexVeridian | @pauldruce | @pre-commit-ci | @Renegade334 | @Rob-P-Smith | @RRosio | @sanskriti2005 | @srdas | @SylvainCorlay | @tonyfast | @welcome | @williamstein | @Wzixiao


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

  • Standardize the button role and label for single, dismissal buttons in dialogs #16622 (@joaopalmeiro)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

  • Ignore https://code.visualstudio.com in check-links #16878 (@jtpio)

  • Fix job updating snapshots when triggered by comment on first-time contributor PR #16872 (@krassowski)

  • Bump markdown-to-jsx from 7.3.2 to 7.5.0 #16868 (@dependabot)

  • Update to Playwright 1.48.0 #16854 (@jtpio)

  • Require newer handlebars version (^4.7.7) to silence false positive CVE notifications #16740 (@mjpsyapse)

Documentation improvements#

  • Add 4.3.0rc0 to the release postmortems #16858 (@jtpio)

  • Standardize the button role and label for single, dismissal buttons in dialogs #16622 (@joaopalmeiro)

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@Darshan808 | @dependabot | @github-actions | @joaopalmeiro | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @kaushalaaditya99 | @krassowski | @mjpsyapse | @Nagidrop


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@algonell | @ChairBorn | @github-actions | @HaudinFlorence | @JasonWeill | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @nekomeowww | @pre-commit-ci


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@dependabot | @github-actions | @JasonWeill | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

  • Fix typo in the IPropertyInspectorProvider plugin description #16797 (@jtpio)

  • Replace link to accessibility project with a link to accessibility issues #16787 (@jtpio)

  • Remove Python 2 from documentation #16771 (@JasonWeill)

  • Fix compatibility with server-side execution extensions #16764 (@krassowski)

  • Document mandatory steps before running JupyterLab in dev mode #16761 (@cmarmo)

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@andrewfulton9 | @bollwyvl | @cmarmo | @Darshan808 | @davidbrochart | @dependabot | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @JasonWeill | @joaopalmeiro | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@cmarmo | @davidbrochart | @dependabot | @itsmevichu | @JasonWeill | @joaopalmeiro | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @maitreya2954


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@afshin | @andrii-i | @brichet | @davidbrochart | @dependabot | @dhysdrn | @EdsterG | @fcollonval | @gabalafou | @gderocher | @github-actions | @HaudinFlorence | @itsmevichu | @JasonWeill | @joaopalmeiro | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @Mehak261124 | @Nazeeh21 | @NexVeridian | @pauldruce | @pre-commit-ci | @Renegade334 | @Rob-P-Smith | @RRosio | @tonyfast | @welcome | @williamstein


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@dependabot | @fcollonval | @g547315 | @gabalafou | @github-actions | @j264415 | @JasonWeill | @joaopalmeiro | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @NexVeridian | @pre-commit-ci | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

New features added#

Enhancements made#

  • Define ICodeCellModel.executionState, deprecate setPrompt() #16431 (@krassowski)

  • Implement viewport tracking and reactive rendering in scrollbar #16392 (@krassowski)

  • Use lazy loading for HTML/PDF files, and help tabs #16387 (@hnben)

  • Add option to dismiss “Server Connection Error” dialog for the duration of the session #16269 (@RRosio)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

  • Fix the description for the main inline completer plugin #16526 (@krassowski)

  • Update JupyterLab 3.x maintenance announcement #16506 (@krassowski)

  • Fix check link CI failure in README (time zone converter site) #16482 (@afshin)

  • Fix typo in documentation - spurious single quote prefix #16476 (@achhina)

  • Ensure api directory is present to build documentation #16467 (@Darshan808)

  • Add a notice for Windows users to activate symbolic links in contributing section #16465 (@Darshan808)

  • Align extension migration docs with the latest extension template #16450 (@jtpio)

  • Add typings to the inline completer example #16421 (@jtpio)

  • Align tutorial with extension template #16414 (@jtpio)

  • Fix failing link check (point to JAWS on Wikipedia) #16365 (@krassowski)

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@achhina | @afshin | @brichet | @Darshan808 | @davidbrochart | @dependabot | @echarles | @ellisonbg | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @HaudinFlorence | @hnben | @itsmevichu | @JasonWeill | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @krishanbhasin-px | @lumberbot-app | @mahendrapaipuri | @Mehak261124 | @pre-commit-ci | @RRosio | @sanskriti2005 | @srdas | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

  • Fix execution in console in terminal interaction mode #16348 (@krassowski)

  • Fix workspace context menu incorrectly showing up in other sidebar sections #16346 (@krassowski)

  • Fix Shift + Tab contextual help inspector tooltip regression #16343 (@krassowski)

  • Reactive toolbar: avoid simultaneous calls to _onResize() #16335 (@brichet)

  • Upgrade CodeMirror dependencies #16306 (@krassowski)

  • Resetting a shortcut does not restore and enable the default if it was modified #16304 (@itsmevichu)

  • Allow to invoke inline completer anywhere (not only at the end of line) #16298 (@ajbozarth)

  • Search and replace with substring in markdown and raw cells #16293 (@JasonWeill)

  • Wait for the cell toolbar items to be rendered the first time before looking for overlap #16291 (@brichet)

  • Add lowercase proxy vars and make priority consistent with other tools #16287 (@jgoodson)

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

  • Run Python tests on MacOS with Python 12, replace canvas with jest-canvas-mock #16314 (@krassowski)

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@ajbozarth | @brichet | @dependabot | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @itsmevichu | @JasonWeill | @jgoodson | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @Rob-P-Smith | @welcome | @Wzixiao


(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@davidbrochart | @dependabot | @fcollonval | @FoSuCloud | @github-actions | @JasonWeill | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@Alanhou1222 | @divyansshhh | @github-actions | @itsmevichu | @JasonWeill | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @kolibril13 | @krassowski | @NexVeridian | @Rob-P-Smith | @sawickid | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@dependabot | @fcollonval | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

  • Use toolkit search input for all search inputs: filebrowser, extension manager, debugger kernel source #16046 (@Mehak261124)

  • Much smaller “Last Modified” column, date #15948 (@JasonWeill)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@AnastasiaSliusar | @andrii-i | @bollwyvl | @brichet | @dependabot | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @JasonWeill | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @lumberbot-app | @Mehak261124 | @milinm | @Tanmay-Deshmukh | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

New features added#

  • Dark High Contrast Theme for JupyterLab with Improved Sidebar Focus Indication #15623 (@m158261)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

  • Mention JupyterLab Desktop in the installation section #16100 (@krassowski)

  • Dark High Contrast Theme for JupyterLab with Improved Sidebar Focus Indication #15623 (@m158261)

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@Alanhou1222 | @brichet | @davidbrochart | @dependabot | @e218736 | @echarles | @fcollonval | @FoSuCloud | @gabalafou | @github-actions | @itsmevichu | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @lumberbot-app | @m158261 | @pre-commit-ci | @Susilkessav | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@afshin | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @JasonWeill | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @UntitledError-09 | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

New features added#

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@brichet | @dependabot | @erkin98 | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @JasonWeill | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @mdietz94 | @Mehak261124 | @minrk | @RRosio | @trungleduc | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

  • Allow to customise directory and notebook icon #15828 (@linlol)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@andrii-i | @blink1073 | @brichet | @dependabot | @diyoyo | @fcollonval | @FoSuCloud | @github-actions | @JasonWeill | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @linlol | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@AllanChain | @brichet | @dependabot | @ericsnekbytes | @fcollonval | @FoSuCloud | @github-actions | @HaudinFlorence | @JasonWeill | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @linlol | @lumberbot-app | @trungleduc | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@FoSuCloud | @github-actions | @JasonWeill | @jupyterlab-probot | @kiliansinger | @krassowski | @lumberbot-app | @nluetts | @trungleduc | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

  • Update jupyter-collaboration for the Binder environment #15767 (@jtpio)

  • Fix failing “Notebook Toolbar › Paste cell” test #15720 (@krassowski)

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@davidbrochart | @dhml | @fcollonval | @g547315 | @github-actions | @JasonWeill | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @lumberbot-app | @minrk | @pre-commit-ci | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

New features added#

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

API and Breaking Changes#

Deprecated features#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@afshin | @akx | @alden-ilao | @AllanChain | @andrewfulton9 | @andrii-i | @ashna1jain | @bikash30851 | @blink1073 | @bollwyvl | @brichet | @brijsiyag | @coriegulik | @davidbrochart | @DcWire | @Deepali1211 | @DenisaCG | @dependabot | @dharmaquark | @divyansshhh | @dolevf | @DonJayamanne | @echarles | @eliaslma | @emmanuel-ferdman | @ericsnekbytes | @fcollonval | @firai | @FoSuCloud | @g547315 | @gabalafou | @GabrielaVives | @github-actions | @HaudinFlorence | @hbcarlos | @holzman | @isabela-pf | @j264415 | @jans-code | @JasonWeill | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-bot | @jupyterlab-probot | @KiranmaiKalla | @krassowski | @LJMP | @lumberbot-app | @m158261 | @mctoohey | @mdengler | @MFA-X-AI | @misterfads | @mlucool | @mmichilot | @nbowditch-einblick | @nishikantparmariam | @paolocarinci | @parmentelat | @pauky | @paulkim3151 | @phil-zxx | @pre-commit-ci | @Rmarieta | @RRosio | @Sarthug99 | @sinistersnare | @skyetim | @smacke | @SylvainCorlay | @t03857785 | @tibdex | @timkpaine | @tonyfast | @trungleduc | @welcome | @Wh1isper | @yuvipanda


(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@FoSuCloud | @github-actions | @JasonWeill | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @lumberbot-app | @Sarthug99 | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

  • Mention jupyter-ai pre-release in inline completer changelog section #15669 (@krassowski)

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@brichet | @dependabot | @fcollonval | @FoSuCloud | @github-actions | @j264415 | @JasonWeill | @jupyterlab-bot | @jupyterlab-probot | @KiranmaiKalla | @krassowski | @welcome | @Wh1isper


(Full Changelog)

Security fixes#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@github-actions | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

  • Show toast notification for running code cell while kernel initializing #15421 (@misterfads)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

  • Fix link to yarn docs in extension migration guide #15640 (@krassowski)

  • Fix kernel shortcuts, add migration, fix defaults population #15639 (@krassowski)

  • Note changes to statusbar items behaviour in extension migration guide #15556 (@j264415)

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@alden-ilao | @andrewfulton9 | @bollwyvl | @brichet | @dependabot | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @j264415 | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @MFA-X-AI | @misterfads | @pre-commit-ci | @welcome | @Wh1isper


(Full Changelog)

New features added#

  • Add virtual scrollbar component to windowed lists. #15533 (@afshin)

Enhancements made#

  • Custom kernel message serializer #15254 (@DonJayamanne)

  • Clarify labels for user inputs and link dangling labels #15222 (@m158261)

  • Make status bar accessible at 400% zoom by hiding items with priority of zero (default) #14854 (@j264415)

  • Add global keyboard shortcuts for all tab bar widgets #14799 (@g547315)

  • Fix skiplink and add placeholder for additional skiplinks #14597 (@t03857785)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Deprecated features#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@afshin | @akx | @ashna1jain | @brichet | @DcWire | @dependabot | @DonJayamanne | @fcollonval | @g547315 | @gabalafou | @GabrielaVives | @github-actions | @j264415 | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @lumberbot-app | @m158261 | @mmichilot | @parmentelat | @pre-commit-ci | @t03857785 | @tonyfast | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@andrewfulton9 | @blink1073 | @brichet | @fcollonval | @gabalafou | @github-actions | @j264415 | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @lumberbot-app | @m158261 | @mdengler | @parmentelat | @RRosio | @tonyfast | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

New features added#

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@andrewfulton9 | @andrii-i | @blink1073 | @bollwyvl | @brichet | @DenisaCG | @dependabot | @dharmaquark | @divyansshhh | @dolevf | @eliaslma | @ericsnekbytes | @fcollonval | @firai | @github-actions | @j264415 | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @LJMP | @lumberbot-app | @m158261 | @mmichilot | @nbowditch-einblick | @nishikantparmariam | @parmentelat | @pauky | @paulkim3151 | @pre-commit-ci | @sinistersnare | @skyetim | @tibdex | @tonyfast | @trungleduc | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

New features added#

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

API and Breaking Changes#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@afshin | @andrewfulton9 | @bikash30851 | @brichet | @Deepali1211 | @dependabot | @echarles | @fcollonval | @gabalafou | @github-actions | @HaudinFlorence | @hbcarlos | @isabela-pf | @jans-code | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @lumberbot-app | @m158261 | @parmentelat | @pre-commit-ci | @Rmarieta | @smacke | @trungleduc | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@AllanChain | @andrii-i | @bollwyvl | @brichet | @brijsiyag | @coriegulik | @davidbrochart | @DenisaCG | @dependabot | @echarles | @emmanuel-ferdman | @ericsnekbytes | @fcollonval | @FoSuCloud | @g547315 | @gabalafou | @GabrielaVives | @github-actions | @hbcarlos | @holzman | @isabela-pf | @j264415 | @JasonWeill | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @lumberbot-app | @mctoohey | @pauky | @pre-commit-ci | @skyetim | @SylvainCorlay | @timkpaine | @tonyfast | @trungleduc | @welcome | @yuvipanda


(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@dependabot | @ericsnekbytes | @fcollonval | @GabrielaVives | @github-actions | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @pre-commit-ci | @tonyfast


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@brijsiyag | @c3Vu | @dependabot | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @j264415 | @JasonWeill | @JeanLescutMuller | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @nishikantparmariam | @t03857785 | @tpatel | @tuncbkose | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

JupyterLab 4 is released! :tada:

Check out the new features, improvements and bug fixes: https://jupyterlab.readthedocs.io/en/stable/getting_started/changelog.html#v4-0

For extension authors, there is a migration guide available to help you migrate your extensions to JupyterLab 4: https://jupyterlab.readthedocs.io/en/stable/extension/extension_migration.html#jupyterlab-3-x-to-4-x

For reference, below are the changed since v4.0.0rc1:

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@afshin | @andrii-i | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @HaudinFlorence | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@afshin | @andrewfulton9 | @andrii-i | @bikash30851 | @dependabot | @fcollonval | @gabalafou | @github-actions | @JaSpa | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @meeseeksdev | @pre-commit-ci | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

New features added#

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

API and Breaking Changes#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@3coins | @a3626a | @aditya211935 | @afshin | @agoose77 | @ajbozarth | @akhmerov | @alec-kr | @Alexboiboi | @andrii-i | @athornton | @blink1073 | @bollwyvl | @brichet | @c00kie123 | @cccs-nik | @chbrandt | @ChristopherDavisUCI | @damiend97 | @davidbrochart | @dependabot | @dlqqq | @dmonad | @kamalika0363 | @domoritz | @echarles | @ellisonbg | @ericsnekbytes | @fcollonval | @firai | @FoSuCloud | @fperez | @frenzymadness | @frivas-at-navteca | @gabalafou | @GabrielaVives | @github-actions | @HaudinFlorence | @hbcarlos | @hsuanxyz | @hugetim | @isabela-pf | @jasongrout | @JasonWeill | @jmk89 | @joaopalmeiro | @JohanMabille | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @kenyaachon | @kostyafarber | @krassowski | @kulsoomzahra | @liliyao2022 | @malemburg | @markgreene74 | @marthacryan | @martinRenou | @matthewturk | @mctoohey | @meeseeksdev | @meeseeksmachine | @mgcth | @minrk | @mlucool | @NikolayXHD | @oscar6echo | @peytondmurray | @pre-commit-ci | @psychemedia | @RobbyPratl | @RRosio | @rursprung | @siddartha-10 | @steff456 | @SylvainCorlay | @telamonian | @thetorpedodog | @thomasaarholt | @tonyfast | @trallard | @trungleduc | @vidartf | @vthinkxie | @welcome | @yangql176 | @yanmulin | @yczhangsjtu | @yumyumqing | @yuvipanda | @zrottman | @Zsailer



(Full Changelog)

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@andrii-i | @bollwyvl | @brichet | @damiend97 | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @JasonWeill | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@andrii-i | @blink1073 | @bollwyvl | @brichet | @bt- | @dlqqq | @domoritz | @echarles | @fcollonval | @fperez | @gabalafou | @GabrielaVives | @github-actions | @goanpeca | @HaudinFlorence | @hbcarlos | @ianhi | @jasongrout | @JasonWeill | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-dev-mode | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @meeseeksdev | @meeseeksmachine | @mlucool | @psychemedia | @telamonian | @tonyfast | @vidartf | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@fcollonval | @jupyterlab-probot | @meeseeksmachine


(Full Changelog)

New features added#

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

API and Breaking Changes#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@afshin | @andrii-i | @blink1073 | @bollwyvl | @brichet | @Carreau | @davidbrochart | @echarles | @ellisonbg | @ericsnekbytes | @fcollonval | @fperez | @github-actions | @HaudinFlorence | @hbcarlos | @jasongrout | @JasonWeill | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-dev-mode | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @martinRenou | @meeseeksdev | @meeseeksmachine | @psychemedia | @SylvainCorlay | @trungleduc | @uenot | @vidartf | @welcome



(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release) @Carreau | @davidbrochart | @ellisonbg | @fcollonval | @hbcarlos | @jasongrout | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @meeseeksdev | @meeseeksmachine | @SylvainCorlay | @trungleduc | @welcome



(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@agoose77 | @blink1073 | @ellisonbg | @fcollonval | @gabalafou | @github-actions | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @meeseeksmachine | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@ajbozarth | @athornton | @blink1073 | @ellisonbg | @fcollonval | @goanpeca | @ian-r-rose | @isabela-pf | @jasongrout | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-dev-mode | @jupyterlab-probot | @JasonWeill | @krassowski | @KrishnaKumarHariprasannan | @malemburg | @manfromjupyter | @meeseeksdev | @meeseeksmachine | @mlucool | @saulshanabrook | @telamonian | @tgeorgeux | @trallard | @VersBersh | @vidartf | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@afshin | @agoose77 | @blink1073 | @davidbrochart | @fcollonval | @jasongrout | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-dev-mode | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @martinRenou | @meeseeksdev | @meeseeksmachine | @ryanlovett | @SylvainCorlay | @telamonian | @trungleduc | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@afshin | @aiqc | @davidbrochart | @dlqqq | @dmonad | @echarles | @ellisonbg | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @goanpeca | @hbcarlos | @jasongrout | @JohanMabille | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-dev-mode | @jupyterlab-probot | @JasonWeill | @krassowski | @martinRenou | @meeseeksdev | @meeseeksmachine | @siddartha-10 | @SylvainCorlay | @welcome | @williamstein


(Full Changelog)

New features added#

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

  • Add more explanation for internationalization (translation python package) #12635 (@a3626a)

  • Add “Open in Simple Mode” contextMenu option #12577 (@fcollonval)

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@afshin | @blink1073 | @bollwyvl | @davidbrochart | @dmonad | @echarles | @ellisonbg | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @hbcarlos | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-dev-mode | @jupyterlab-probot | @meeseeksdev | @meeseeksmachine | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed#

  • Building extensions fail if not using latest patch #12571 (@ajbozarth)

  • fixed shouldOverwrite is never called when rename target exists #12543 (@ephes)

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@fcollonval | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @karlaspuldaro | @meeseeksmachine | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

  • Setting to use the advanced setting editor for the settings #12466 (@echarles)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@ajbozarth | @echarles | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @meeseeksmachine | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

  • Display default value in setting editor for changed values #12468 (@echarles)

  • Uses dark theme for Vega when JupyterLab theme is dark #12411 (@JasonWeill)

  • Creates cell-toolbar, cell-toolbar-extension packages and populates toolbar #12028 (@JasonWeill)

  • Customize the file browser toolbar via the settings #12441 (@fcollonval)

  • Wait until file browser commands are ready before activating file browser widget #12435 (@fcollonval)

  • Add a “New Tab” button that opens the launcher #12195 (@ajbozarth)

  • Simplify galata import by proxying expect #12311 (@fcollonval)

  • Open terminal in cwd from launcher #12250 (@rccern)

  • Add support for filtering by field names in setting editor #12082 (@marthacryan)

  • Use transform to quickly switch between tabs. #11074 (@fcollonval)

  • Pop up select kernel dialog when run a cell without kernel #12379 (@a3626a)

  • Allow LauncherModel to be more extendable #12344 (@ajbozarth)

  • Add argument searchText and replaceText to search and replace commands #12310 (@fcollonval)

  • Add argument line and column to codemirror go to line command #12204 (@fcollonval)

  • Default is no virtual rendering + Relax virtual notebook rendering and ensure no structural change until rendering is completed #12258 (@echarles)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

  • Creates cell-toolbar, cell-toolbar-extension packages and populates toolbar #12028 (@JasonWeill)

  • Customize the file browser toolbar via the settings #12441 (@fcollonval)

Deprecated features#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@bollwyvl | @davidbrochart | @echarles | @fcollonval | @gabalafou | @github-actions | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @JasonWeill | @krassowski | @meeseeksdev | @meeseeksmachine | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

  • Creates cell-toolbar, cell-toolbar-extension packages and populates toolbar #12028 (@JasonWeill)

  • Customize the file browser toolbar via the settings #12441 (@fcollonval)

Deprecated features#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@afshin | @bollwyvl | @davidbrochart | @echarles | @fcollonval | @gabalafou | @github-actions | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @JasonWeill | @krassowski | @meeseeksdev | @meeseeksmachine | @welcome



(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@aiqc | @blink1073 | @echarles | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @jasongrout | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @JasonWeill | @krassowski | @meeseeksdev | @meeseeksmachine | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@afshin | @aiqc | @ajbozarth | @blink1073 | @bollwyvl | @damianavila | @davidbrochart | @echarles | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @hbcarlos | @isabela-pf | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @JasonWeill | @krassowski | @marthacryan | @martinRenou | @meeseeksdev | @meeseeksmachine | @mlucool | @rccern | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed#

Documentation improvements#

  • Add note about async, await and Promises in the extension tutorial #12199 (@jtpio)

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@fcollonval | @github-actions | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @meeseeksmachine


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@davidbrochart | @echarles | @ellisonbg | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @jasongrout | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @JasonWeill | @krassowski | @martinRenou | @meeseeksmachine | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

API and Breaking Changes#

Other merged PRs#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@agoose77 | @andrewfulton9 | @baggiponte | @blink1073 | @bollwyvl | @Carreau | @davidbrochart | @dmonad | @echarles | @ellisonbg | @ErikBjare | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @hbcarlos | @isabela-pf | @jasongrout | @JohanMabille | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-dev-mode | @jupyterlab-probot | @JasonWeill | @krassowski | @marthacryan | @meeseeksdev | @meeseeksmachine | @mlucool | @schmidi314 | @SylvainCorlay | @Sync271 | @telamonian | @thesinepainter | @trungleduc | @welcome | @yuvipanda | @Zsailer



(Full Changelog)

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@andrewfulton9 | @blink1073 | @bollwyvl | @echarles | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @hbcarlos | @isabela-pf | @jasongrout | @JohanMabille | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-dev-mode | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @marthacryan | @meeseeksdev | @meeseeksmachine | @mlucool | @welcome | @yuvipanda | @Zsailer


(Full Changelog)

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

  • Use the root yarn.lock in staging when making a release. #11433 (@jasongrout)

  • Update reference snapshot for the completer UI test #11847 (@jtpio)

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@github-actions | @hbcarlos | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @meeseeksdev | @meeseeksmachine


No merged PRs


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Documentation improvements#

Other merged PRs#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@andrewfulton9 | @bollwyvl | @davidbrochart | @echarles | @ellisonbg | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @hbcarlos | @jasongrout | @JohanMabille | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-dev-mode | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @meeseeksdev | @meeseeksmachine | @schmidi314 | @TheOtherRealm | @thesinepainter | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#


Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@blink1073 | @bollwyvl | @dmonad | @echarles | @ellisonbg | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @hbcarlos | @jasongrout | @jess-x | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-dev-mode | @jupyterlab-probot | @JasonWeill | @krassowski | @meeseeksdev | @meeseeksmachine | @trungleduc | @welcome


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#

Maintenance and upkeep improvements#

Contributors to this release#

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@blink1073 | @fcollonval | @github-actions | @isabela-pf | @jasongrout | @jtpio | @jupyterlab-probot | @krassowski | @meeseeksdev | @meeseeksmachine | @welcome | @williamstein


(Full Changelog)

Enhancements made#

Bugs fixed#