.. Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. .. Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. Announcements ============= Your consent is required to get Jupyter news (this is an opt-in feature). Once you have answered the request, you can change your decision in the *Notification* settings. Configuration ------------- The frontend plugin requesting the news and checking for the update is ``@jupyterlab/apputils-extension:announcements``. It can be disabled as any plugin by executing in a terminal prior to start JupyterLab: .. code-block:: sh jupyter labextension disable "@jupyterlab/apputils-extension:announcements" Check for updates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can also control whether to check for updates or not at two levels: - on the server side through a command-line option ``--LabApp.check_for_updates_class="jupyterlab.NeverCheckForUpdate"`` - on the frontend through the setting *checkForUpdates* in the *Notification* section. You can also provide your own class to check for updates. The abstract class to implement is ``jupyterlab.handlers.announcements.CheckForUpdateABC``. Jupyter news ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The news are fetched from a news feed. The URL can be customized to point to any `Atom feed `_ using the command line option ``--LabApp.news_url=""``. .. note:: An entry in a custom feed is required to have the following tags: ``title``, ``id``, and ``updated``. The following tags are also used but not required: ``published``, ``summary``, and at least one ``link``. Binder ------ You will find how to deactivate those features on Binder at :ref:`binder`.