.. Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. .. Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. .. _interface-customization: Interface Customization ======================= Multiple elements in the JupyterLab interface are customizable to display new elements or hide default ones. .. _layout-customization: Layout ------ The JupyterLab layout has two modes: the simple mode (or *single document* mode) and the default mode (or *multiple documents* mode). In both modes, the widgets are attached in one of the four area: the ``left`` or ``right`` sidebars, the ``main`` dock panel area or the ``down`` area. The default positions of widgets can be overridden through the settings based on the type of widgets. The setting to modify is the *layout* one in section *JupyterLab Shell*. The available widget types and their default area is listed below ================== ======== ====== Type multiple single ================== ======== ====== Console main main CSVTable main main TSVTable main main Editor main main HTML Viewer main main Image main main Image (Text) main main JSON main main Markdown Preview main main Notebook main main Cloned Output main down Linked Console main down Inspector main down PDF main main Terminal main main VDOM main main Vega-Lite4 main main Vega5 main main Settings main main Advanced Settings main main Licenses main main Debugger right right Debugger Variables main main Debugger Sources main main Property Inspector right right Extension Manager left left File Browser left left Sessions and Tabs left left Table of Contents left left Log Console down down ================== ======== ====== .. code-block:: js "layout": { "single": { "Linked Console": { "area": "down" }, "Inspector": { "area": "down" }, "Cloned Output": { "area": "down" }, // Add new terminals in the down area in simple mode "Terminal": { "area": "down" } }, "multiple": { // Add new terminals in the right sidebar in default mode "Terminal": { "area": "right" } } } The above example will result in the following changes: .. figure:: ../images/default-terminal-position-single.png :alt: (Before Change) Default terminal position in "multiple" (default) mode (Before Change) Default terminal position in "multiple" (default) mode .. figure:: ../images/customized-terminal-position-single.png :alt: (After Change) Customized terminal position in "multiple" (default) mode (After Change) Customized terminal position in "multiple" (default) mode .. _toolbars-customization: Toolbars -------- Lots of toolbars are customizable. Here is a mapping of the customizable toolbars and the associated setting. - Cell: *Cell Toolbar* -> *toolbar* - CSV Viewer: *CSV Viewer* -> *toolbar* - File Browser: *File Browser Widget* -> *toolbar* - HTML Viewer: *HTML Viewer* -> *toolbar* - Notebook panel: *Notebook Panel* -> *toolbar* - Text Editor: *Text Editor* -> *toolbar* - TSV Viewer: *TSV Viewer* -> *toolbar* Those settings are accessible through the interactive *Settings Editor*. But you may find more comfortable to use the *Advanced Settings Editor* (accessible by clicking on *JSON Settings Editor* button in the top right corner of the *Settings Editor*). Your ``toolbar`` customization will be merged with the default menu bar definition (this is a different behavior as the other settings that are overriding the default settings). So to remove a default item, you will need to disable it. To do that, you will need to set the toolbar item ``disabled`` attribute to ``true``; an item is uniquely identified by its ``name`` attribute. .. code-block:: js "toolbar": [ // Disable the restart and run all button { "name": "restart-and-run", "disabled": true }, // Add a new button to clear all cell outputs { "name": "clear-all-outputs", "command": "notebook:clear-all-cell-outputs" } ] The above example for the notebook panel, will results in the following changes: .. figure:: ../images/default-notebook-toolbar.png :alt: Default notebook toolbar Default notebook toolbar .. figure:: ../images/customized-notebook-toolbar.png :alt: Customized notebook toolbar Customized notebook toolbar A toolbar is defined by a list of items. Each item must have an unique ``name``. That name will create a toolbar item if it is associated with a special widget (e.g. the cell type toolbar selector). Otherwise it will require a ``command`` that will be triggered when clicking on a toolbar button (see the available :ref:`Commands list`). The items are sorted by their ``rank``. .. note:: If you want to more advanced customization please refer to the :ref:`Toolbar item definition`. .. _menu-bar-customization: Menu Bar -------- The top menu bar definition can be customized through the *Advanced Settings Editor*. You can access it by opening the *Settings Editor* from the *Settings* menu, then click on the *JSON Settings Editor* in the top right corner. In the *Advanced Settings Editor*, you will need to select the *Main Menu* section in the left panel. Your ``menus`` customization will be merged with the default menu bar definition (this is a different behavior as the other settings that are overriding the default settings). So to remove a default entry, you will need to disable it. To do that, you will need to set the menu entry ``disabled`` attribute to ``true``; an entry is uniquely identified by its ``command`` and ``args`` attributes. New entries can be added to existing menus or you can create new menus. .. code-block:: js "menus": [ { // Disable the Run menu "id": "jp-mainmenu-run", "disabled": true }, { // Move the Tabs menu to the end by changing its rank "id": "jp-mainmenu-tabs", "rank": 1100, "items": [ // Add a new entry in the Tabs menu { "command": "launcher:create", "rank": 0 } ] }, { // Disable the Open from Path entry in the File menu "id": "jp-mainmenu-file", "items": [ { "command": "filebrowser:open-path", "disabled": true } ] } ] The above example, will results in the following changes: .. figure:: ../images/default-menu-bar.png :alt: Default menu bar Default menu bar .. figure:: ../images/customized-menu-bar.png :alt: Customized menu bar Customized menu bar The menu are identified by the following ids: - File menu: ``jp-mainmenu-file`` * New file submenu: ``jp-mainmenu-file-new`` - Edit menu: ``jp-mainmenu-edit`` - View menu: ``jp-mainmenu-view`` * Appearance submenu: ``jp-mainmenu-view-appearance`` - Run menu: ``jp-mainmenu-run`` - Kernel menu: ``jp-mainmenu-kernel`` - Tabs menu: ``jp-mainmenu-tabs`` - Settings menu: ``jp-mainmenu-settings`` - Help menu: ``jp-mainmenu-help`` An entry can be any valid command available; see :ref:`Commands list`. And the entries are sorted by their ranks. .. note:: If you want to more advanced customization (e.g. changing the separators or sub-menus), please refer to the :ref:`Main Menu settings definition `. .. _context-menu-customization: Context Menu ------------ The context menu definition can be customized through the *Advanced Settings Editor*. You can access it by opening the *Settings Editor* from the *Settings* menu, then click on the *JSON Settings Editor* in the top right corner. In the *Advanced Settings Editor*, you will need to the select the *Application Context Menu* section in the left panel. Your ``contextMenu`` customization will be merged with the default context menu definition (this is a different behavior as the other settings that are overriding the default settings). So to remove a default entry, you will need to disable it. To do that, you will need to set the menu entry ``disabled`` attribute to ``true``; an entry is uniquely identified by its ``command``, ``selector`` and ``args`` attributes. New entries can be added to existing menus. .. code-block:: js "contextMenu": [ // Disable New notebook entry { "command": "notebook:create-new", "selector": ".jp-DirListing-content", "args": { "isContextMenu": true }, "disabled": true }, // Add new entry on notebook file to export them as Markdown { "command": "notebook:export-to-format", "selector": ".jp-DirListing-item[data-file-type=\"notebook\"]", "rank": 3, // Command arguments "args": { "format": "markdown", "label": "Export as Markdown" } } ] The above example, will results in the following changes: .. figure:: ../images/default-context-menu.png :alt: Default context menu Default context menu .. figure:: ../images/customized-context-menu.png :alt: Customized context menu Customized context menu An entry can be any valid command available; see :ref:`Commands list`. And a CSS selector to define which elements will have that context menu entry. And the entries are sorted by their ranks. .. note:: If you want to more advanced customization (e.g. changing the separators or sub-menus), please refer to the :ref:`Context Menu settings definition `. File Browser ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Users can add a "Open in Simple Mode" context menu option by adding the following to *Settings* -> *Application Context Menu* -> ``contextMenu`` .. code:: json { "command": "filebrowser:open-browser-tab", "args": { "mode": "single-document" }, "selector": ".jp-DirListing-item[data-isdir=\"false\"]", "rank": 1.6 } .. _custom-css: Custom CSS ========== .. include:: custom_css.rst