.. Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. .. Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. .. _lsp: Language Server Protocol support ================================ .. warning:: As of JupyterLab 4.2, there is no user-facing integration of Language Server Protocol (LSP); to take advantage of LSP you need to install an extension, such as `jupyterlab-lsp `_. JupyterLab ships with components enabling extensions to handle and communicate with language servers. The LSP service is disabled by default, it can be enabled by togging the *Activate* option in the *Language Servers* section of the setting page. Enabling the service will not have any effect unless extensions providing integration with the editor (or other elements of JupyterLab UI) are installed. Requirements ------------ By default JupyterLab does not come with any language servers installed. For the list of LSP servers tested with ``jupyter-lsp``, the jupyter-server extension which spawns and communicates with the servers, see the `documentation of the extension `_. Settings ------------ The settings for language servers can be found on the settings page of JupyterLab (*Settings > Settings Editor > Language Servers (Experimental)*). - **Activate**: this option allows users to enable or disable the LSP services. - **Language Server**: this section allows users to configure the installed language servers. .. figure:: ./images/lsp/settings.png Language servers setting page. Please note that this settings page will be replaced by a more sophisticated editor accessible under *Language Servers* section when `jupyterlab-lsp` is installed.