The initialization options for a console panel.

interface IOptions {
    basePath?: string;
    contentFactory: ConsolePanel.IContentFactory;
    executor?: IConsoleCellExecutor;
    kernelPreference?: IKernelPreference;
    manager: ServiceManager.IManager;
    mimeTypeService: IEditorMimeTypeService;
    modelFactory?: CodeConsole.IModelFactory;
    name?: string;
    path?: string;
    rendermime: IRenderMimeRegistry;
    sessionContext?: ISessionContext;
    sessionDialogs?: IDialogs;
    setBusy?: (() => IDisposable);
    translator?: ITranslator;


basePath?: string

The base path for a new console.

The content factory for the panel.

Console cell executor

kernelPreference?: IKernelPreference

A kernel preference.

The service manager used by the panel.

mimeTypeService: IEditorMimeTypeService

The service used to look up mime types.

modelFactory?: CodeConsole.IModelFactory

The model factory for the console widget.

name?: string

The name of the console.

path?: string

The path of an existing console.

The rendermime instance used by the panel.

sessionContext?: ISessionContext

An existing session context to use.

sessionDialogs?: IDialogs

Session dialogs to use.

setBusy?: (() => IDisposable)

A function to call when the kernel is busy.

Type declaration

translator?: ITranslator

The application language translator.