Interface IAttachmentModel

The interface for an attachment model.

interface IAttachmentModel {
    changed: ISignal<IAttachmentModel, void>;
    data: ReadonlyPartialJSONObject;
    metadata: ReadonlyPartialJSONObject;
    trusted: boolean;
    dispose(): void;
    setData(options): void;
    toJSON(): IMimeBundle;

Hierarchy (view full)

Implemented by


changed: ISignal<IAttachmentModel, void>

A signal emitted when the attachment model changes.

The data associated with the model.

The metadata associated with the model.

Among others, it can include an attribute named fragment that stores a URI fragment identifier for the MIME resource.

trusted: boolean

Whether the data in the model is trusted.


  • Set the data associated with the model.


    Calling this function may trigger an asynchronous operation that could cause the renderer to be rendered with a new model containing the new data.

    Returns void