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Module shortcuts-extension




Const default

default: JupyterFrontEndPlugin<void> = {id: '@jupyterlab/shortcuts-extension:shortcuts',requires: [ISettingRegistry, ITranslator],activate: async (app: JupyterFrontEnd,registry: ISettingRegistry,translator: ITranslator) => {const trans = translator.load('jupyterlab');const { commands } = app;let canonical: ISettingRegistry.ISchema | null;let loaded: { [name: string]: ISettingRegistry.IShortcut[] } = {};/*** Populate the plugin's schema defaults.*/function populate(schema: ISettingRegistry.ISchema) {const commands = app.commands.listCommands().join('\n');loaded = {};schema.properties!.shortcuts.default = Object.keys(registry.plugins).map(plugin => {const shortcuts =registry.plugins[plugin]!.schema['jupyter.lab.shortcuts'] || [];loaded[plugin] = shortcuts;return shortcuts;}).reduce((acc, val) => acc.concat(val), []).sort((a, b) => a.command.localeCompare(b.command));schema.properties!.shortcuts.description = trans.__(`Note: To disable a system default shortcut,copy it to User Preferences and add the"disabled" key, for example:{"command": "application:activate-next-tab","keys": ["Ctrl Shift ]"],"selector": "body","disabled": true}List of commands followed by keyboard shortcuts:%1List of keyboard shortcuts:`,commands);}registry.pluginChanged.connect(async (sender, plugin) => {if (plugin !== shortcuts.id) {// If the plugin changed its shortcuts, reload everything.const oldShortcuts = loaded[plugin];const newShortcuts =registry.plugins[plugin]!.schema['jupyter.lab.shortcuts'] || [];if (oldShortcuts === undefined ||!JSONExt.deepEqual(oldShortcuts, newShortcuts)) {canonical = null;await registry.reload(shortcuts.id);}}});// Transform the plugin object to return different schema than the default.registry.transform(shortcuts.id, {compose: plugin => {// Only override the canonical schema the first time.if (!canonical) {canonical = JSONExt.deepCopy(plugin.schema);populate(canonical);}const defaults = canonical.properties?.shortcuts?.default ?? [];const user = {shortcuts: plugin.data.user.shortcuts ?? []};const composite = {shortcuts: SettingRegistry.reconcileShortcuts(defaults as ISettingRegistry.IShortcut[],user.shortcuts as ISettingRegistry.IShortcut[])};plugin.data = { composite, user };return plugin;},fetch: plugin => {// Only override the canonical schema the first time.if (!canonical) {canonical = JSONExt.deepCopy(plugin.schema);populate(canonical);}return {data: plugin.data,id: plugin.id,raw: plugin.raw,schema: canonical,version: plugin.version};}});try {// Repopulate the canonical variable after the setting registry has// preloaded all initial plugins.canonical = null;const settings = await registry.load(shortcuts.id);Private.loadShortcuts(commands, settings.composite);settings.changed.connect(() => {Private.loadShortcuts(commands, settings.composite);});} catch (error) {console.error(`Loading ${shortcuts.id} failed.`, error);}},autoStart: true}

The default shortcuts extension.


Shortcut values are stored in the setting system. The default values for each shortcut are preset in the settings schema file of this extension. Additionally, each shortcut can be individually set by the end user by modifying its setting (either in the text editor or by modifying its underlying JSON schema file).

When setting shortcut selectors, there are two concepts to consider: specificity and matchability. These two interact in sometimes counterintuitive ways. Keyboard events are triggered from an element and they propagate up the DOM until they reach the documentElement (<body>).

When a registered shortcut sequence is fired, the shortcut manager checks the node that fired the event and each of its ancestors until a node matches one or more registered selectors. The first matching selector in the chain of ancestors will invoke the shortcut handler and the traversal will end at that point. If a node matches more than one selector, the handler for whichever selector is more specific fires.



The practical consequence of this is that a very broadly matching selector, e.g. '*' or 'div' may match and therefore invoke a handler before a more specific selector. The most common pitfall is to use the universal ('*') selector. For almost any use case where a global keyboard shortcut is required, using the 'body' selector is more appropriate.

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