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An interface for using a RenderMime.IRenderer for output and read-only documents.


  • IExtension



Optional Readonly dataType

dataType: "string" | "json"

Preferred data type from the model. Defaults to string.

Optional Readonly documentWidgetFactoryOptions

documentWidgetFactoryOptions: IDocumentWidgetFactoryOptions | readonly IDocumentWidgetFactoryOptions[]

The options used to open a document with the renderer factory.

Optional Readonly fileTypes

fileTypes: readonly IFileType[]

The optional file type associated with the extension.

Readonly id

id: string

The ID of the extension.


The convention for extension IDs in JupyterLab is the full NPM package name followed by a colon and a unique string token, e.g. '@jupyterlab/apputils-extension:settings' or 'foo-extension:bar'.

Optional Readonly rank

rank: number

The rank passed to RenderMime.addFactory. If not given, defaults to the defaultRank of the factory.

Optional Readonly renderTimeout

renderTimeout: number

The timeout after user activity to re-render the data.

Readonly rendererFactory

rendererFactory: IRendererFactory

A renderer factory to be registered to render the MIME type.

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