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Module ui-components






Type aliases





Renames and exports IJupyterLabMenu


Renames and exports JupyterLabMenu

Type aliases


Intent: typeof Intent[keyof typeof Intent]



DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS: "jp-DefaultStyle" = "jp-DefaultStyle"


HTML_SELECT_CLASS: "jp-HTMLSelect" = "jp-HTMLSelect"


IFormComponentRegistry: Token<IFormComponentRegistry>


ILabIconManager: Token<ILabIconManager>

The ILabIconManager token.

Const Intent

Intent: { DANGER: "danger"; NONE: "none"; PRIMARY: "primary"; SUCCESS: "success"; WARNING: "warning" }

The four basic intents.

Type declaration

  • DANGER: "danger"
  • NONE: "none"
  • PRIMARY: "primary"
  • SUCCESS: "success"
  • WARNING: "warning"

Const addAboveIcon

addAboveIcon: LabIcon

Const addBelowIcon

addBelowIcon: LabIcon

Const addIcon

addIcon: LabIcon

Const badIcon

badIcon: LabIcon

Const bellIcon

bellIcon: LabIcon

Const blankIcon

blankIcon: LabIcon

Const bugDotIcon

bugDotIcon: LabIcon

Const bugIcon

bugIcon: LabIcon

Const buildIcon

buildIcon: LabIcon

Const caretDownEmptyIcon

caretDownEmptyIcon: LabIcon

Const caretDownEmptyThinIcon

caretDownEmptyThinIcon: LabIcon

Const caretDownIcon

caretDownIcon: LabIcon

Const caretLeftIcon

caretLeftIcon: LabIcon

Const caretRightIcon

caretRightIcon: LabIcon

Const caretUpEmptyThinIcon

caretUpEmptyThinIcon: LabIcon

Const caretUpIcon

caretUpIcon: LabIcon

Const caseSensitiveIcon

caseSensitiveIcon: LabIcon

Const checkIcon

checkIcon: LabIcon

Const circleEmptyIcon

circleEmptyIcon: LabIcon

Const circleIcon

circleIcon: LabIcon

Const clearIcon

clearIcon: LabIcon

Const closeIcon

closeIcon: LabIcon

Const codeIcon

codeIcon: LabIcon

Const consoleIcon

consoleIcon: LabIcon

Const copyIcon

copyIcon: LabIcon

Const copyrightIcon

copyrightIcon: LabIcon

Const cutIcon

cutIcon: LabIcon

Const deleteIcon

deleteIcon: LabIcon

Const downloadIcon

downloadIcon: LabIcon

Const duplicateIcon

duplicateIcon: LabIcon

Const editIcon

editIcon: LabIcon

Const ellipsesIcon

ellipsesIcon: LabIcon

Const extensionIcon

extensionIcon: LabIcon

Const fastForwardIcon

fastForwardIcon: LabIcon

Const fileIcon

fileIcon: LabIcon

Const fileUploadIcon

fileUploadIcon: LabIcon

Const filterListIcon

filterListIcon: LabIcon

Const folderFavoriteIcon

folderFavoriteIcon: LabIcon

Const folderIcon

folderIcon: LabIcon

Const homeIcon

homeIcon: LabIcon

Const html5Icon

html5Icon: LabIcon

Const imageIcon

imageIcon: LabIcon

Const inspectorIcon

inspectorIcon: LabIcon

Const jsonIcon

jsonIcon: LabIcon

Const juliaIcon

juliaIcon: LabIcon

Const jupyterFaviconIcon

jupyterFaviconIcon: LabIcon

Const jupyterIcon

jupyterIcon: LabIcon

Const jupyterlabWordmarkIcon

jupyterlabWordmarkIcon: LabIcon

Const kernelIcon

kernelIcon: LabIcon

Const keyboardIcon

keyboardIcon: LabIcon

Const launchIcon

launchIcon: LabIcon

Const launcherIcon

launcherIcon: LabIcon

Const lineFormIcon

lineFormIcon: LabIcon

Const linkIcon

linkIcon: LabIcon

Const listIcon

listIcon: LabIcon

Const listingsInfoIcon

listingsInfoIcon: LabIcon

Const markdownIcon

markdownIcon: LabIcon

Const moveDownIcon

moveDownIcon: LabIcon

Const moveUpIcon

moveUpIcon: LabIcon

Const newFolderIcon

newFolderIcon: LabIcon

Const notTrustedIcon

notTrustedIcon: LabIcon

Const notebookIcon

notebookIcon: LabIcon

Const numberingIcon

numberingIcon: LabIcon

Const offlineBoltIcon

offlineBoltIcon: LabIcon

Const paletteIcon

paletteIcon: LabIcon

Const pasteIcon

pasteIcon: LabIcon

Const pdfIcon

pdfIcon: LabIcon

Const pythonIcon

pythonIcon: LabIcon

Const rKernelIcon

rKernelIcon: LabIcon

Const reactIcon

reactIcon: LabIcon

Const redoIcon

redoIcon: LabIcon

Const refreshIcon

refreshIcon: LabIcon

Const regexIcon

regexIcon: LabIcon

Const runIcon

runIcon: LabIcon

Const runningIcon

runningIcon: LabIcon

Const saveIcon

saveIcon: LabIcon

Const searchIcon

searchIcon: LabIcon

Const settingsIcon

settingsIcon: LabIcon

Const shareIcon

shareIcon: LabIcon

Const spreadsheetIcon

spreadsheetIcon: LabIcon

Const stopIcon

stopIcon: LabIcon

Const tabIcon

tabIcon: LabIcon

Const tableRowsIcon

tableRowsIcon: LabIcon

Const tagIcon

tagIcon: LabIcon

Const terminalIcon

terminalIcon: LabIcon

Const textEditorIcon

textEditorIcon: LabIcon

Const tocIcon

tocIcon: LabIcon

Const treeViewIcon

treeViewIcon: LabIcon

Const trustedIcon

trustedIcon: LabIcon

Const undoIcon

undoIcon: LabIcon

Const userIcon

userIcon: LabIcon

Const usersIcon

usersIcon: LabIcon

Const vegaIcon

vegaIcon: LabIcon

Const yamlIcon

yamlIcon: LabIcon


Const Button

  • Button(props: IButtonProps & CommonProps<any>): Element
  • Parameters

    • props: IButtonProps & CommonProps<any>

    Returns Element

Const Checkbox

  • Checkbox(props: ICheckboxProps & CommonProps<any>): Element
  • Parameters

    • props: ICheckboxProps & CommonProps<any>

    Returns Element

Const Collapse

  • Collapse(props: ICollapseProps & CommonProps<any>): Element
  • Parameters

    • props: ICollapseProps & CommonProps<any>

    Returns Element

Const InputGroup

  • InputGroup(props: IInputGroupProps & CommonProps<any>): Element
  • Parameters

    • props: IInputGroupProps & CommonProps<any>

    Returns Element

Const Select

  • Select(props: ISelectProps<any> & CommonProps<any>): Element
  • Parameters

    • props: ISelectProps<any> & CommonProps<any>

    Returns Element


  • classes(...classes: (string | false | undefined | null | {})[]): string
  • Combines classNames.


    • Rest ...classes: (string | false | undefined | null | {})[]

      A list of classNames

    Returns string

    A single string with the combined className


  • classesDedupe(...classes: (string | false | undefined | null | {})[]): string
  • Combines classNames. Removes all duplicates


    • Rest ...classes: (string | false | undefined | null | {})[]

      A list of classNames

    Returns string

    A single string with the combined className


  • getReactAttrs(elem: Element, __namedParameters?: { ignore?: string[] }): any
  • Translates the attributes of a DOM element into attributes that can be understood by React. Currently not comprehensive, we will add special cases as they become relevant.


    • elem: Element

      A DOM element

    • Optional __namedParameters: { ignore?: string[] }
      • Optional ignore?: string[]

        An optional list of attribute names to ignore

    Returns any

    An object with key:value pairs that are the React-friendly translation of elem's attributes

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