Class CompletionProviderManager

A manager for completion providers.




_activeProviders: Set<string> = ...

The set of activated providers

_activeProvidersChanged: Signal<ICompletionProviderManager, void>
_autoCompletion: boolean

Flag to enable/disable continuous hinting.

_inlineCompleterFactory: null | IInlineCompleterFactory
_inlineCompleterSettings: IInlineCompleterSettings = InlineCompleter.defaultSettings

The inline completion provider map, the keys are id of provider

_mostRecentContext: Map<string, ICompletionContext>

The completer context map, the keys are id of widget and values are the most recent context objects.

_panelHandlers: Map<string, CompletionHandler>

The completer handler map, the keys are id of widget and values are the completer handler attached to this widget.

The completion provider map, the keys are id of provider

_showDoc: boolean

Flag to show or hide the document panel.

_timeout: number

Timeout value for the completion provider.

Inline completer actions.



  • Activate the providers by id, the list of ids is populated from user setting. The non-existing providers will be discarded.


    • providerIds: string[]

      Array of strings with ids of provider

    Returns void