A data model implementation for in-memory delimiter-separated data.


This model handles data with up to 2**32 characters.


  • DataModel
    • DSVModel




_columnCount: undefined | number
_columnOffsets: Uint32Array = ...

The column offset cache, starting with row _columnOffsetsStartingRow


The index of the first character in the data string for row r, column c is _columnOffsets[(r-this._columnOffsetsStartingRow)*numColumns+c]

_columnOffsetsStartingRow: number = 0

The row that _columnOffsets[0] represents.

_delayedParse: null | number = null
_delimiter: string
_doneParsing: boolean = false
_header: string[] = []

The header strings.

_initialRows: number

The number of rows to parse initially before doing a delayed parse of the entire data.

_isDisposed: boolean = false
_maxCacheGet: number = 1000

The maximum number of rows to parse when there is a cache miss.

_parser: "quotes" | "noquotes"
_quote: string
_quoteEscaped: RegExp
_rawData: string
_ready: PromiseDelegate<void> = ...
_rowCount: undefined | number = 0
_rowDelimiter: string
_rowOffsets: Uint32Array = ...

The index for the start of each row.

_startedParsing: boolean = false


  • get changed(): ISignal<this, ChangedArgs>
  • A signal emitted when the data model has changed.

    Returns ISignal<this, ChangedArgs>


  • Compute the row offsets and initialize the column offset cache.


    • endRow: number = 4294967295

      The last row to parse, from the start of the data (first row is row 1).


      This method supports parsing the data incrementally by calling it with incrementally higher endRow. Rows that have already been parsed will not be parsed again.

    Returns void

  • Get the parsed string field for a row and column.


    • row: number

      The row number of the data item.

    • column: number

      The column number of the data item.

    Returns string

    The parsed string for the data item.

  • Get the column count for a region in the data model.


    • region: ColumnRegion

      The column region of interest.

    Returns number

    • The column count for the region.
  • Get the data value for a cell in the data model.


    • region: CellRegion

      The cell region of interest.

    • row: number

      The row index of the cell of interest.

    • column: number

      The column index of the cell of interest.

    Returns string

  • Emit the changed signal for the data model.


    Subclasses should call this method whenever the data model has changed so that attached data grids can update themselves.


    • args: ChangedArgs

    Returns void

  • Get the index in the data string for the first character of a row and column.


    • row: number

      The row of the data item.

    • column: number

      The column of the data item.

    Returns number

    • The index into the data string where the data item starts.
  • Get the merged cell group corresponding to a region and index number.


    • region: CellRegion

      the cell region of cell group.

    • groupIndex: number

      the group index of the cell group.

    Returns null | CellGroup

    a cell group.

  • Get the count of merged cell groups pertaining to a given cell region.


    • region: CellRegion

      the target cell region.

    Returns number

  • Get the metadata for a cell in the data model.


    • region: CellRegion

      The cell region of interest.

    • row: number

      The row index of the cell of interest.

    • column: number

      The column index of the cell of interest.

    Returns Metadata

    The metadata for the specified cell.


    The returned metadata should be treated as immutable.

    This method is called often, and so should be efficient.

    The default implementation returns {}.

  • Parse the data string asynchronously.


    It can take several seconds to parse a several hundred megabyte string, so we parse the first 500 rows to get something up on the screen, then we parse the full data string asynchronously.

    Returns void

  • Get the row count for a region in the data model.


    • region: RowRegion

      The row region of interest.

    Returns number

    • The row count for the region.