Search document model
Provider for the current document
Debounce search time
searchProvider for the current document
stateA signal emitted when any model state changes.
Whether the search is case sensitive or not.
Current highlighted match index.
Filter definitions changed.
The initial query string.
Test whether the model is disposed.
Whether the document is read-only or not.
Parsing regular expression error message.
Whether to preserve case when replacing.
Replace options support.
Replacement expression
Search expression
Whether the selection includes a single item or multiple items; this is used by the heuristic auto-enabling "search in selection" mode.
Returns undefined
if the provider does not expose this information.
Initial query as suggested by provider.
A common choice is the text currently selected by the user.
Total number of matches.
Whether to use regular expression or not.
Whether to match whole words or not.
Search in a document model.