Class TogglableHiddenFileBrowserModel

File browser model where hidden files inclusion can be toggled on/off.

Hierarchy (View Summary)



The document manager instance used by the file browser model.

translator: ITranslator



  • Restore the state of the file browser.


    • id: string

      The unique ID that is used to construct a state database key.

    • populate: boolean = true

      If false, the restoration ID will be set but the file browser state will not be fetched from the state database.

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise when restoration is complete.

    This function will only restore the model once. If it is called multiple times, all subsequent invocations are no-ops.

  • Upload a File object.


    • file: File

      The File object to upload.

    • Optionalpath: string

      The directory into which the file should be uploaded; defaults to current directory.

    Returns Promise<Contents.IModel>

    A promise containing the new file contents model.

    On Notebook version < 5.1.0, this will fail to upload files that are too big to be sent in one request to the server. On newer versions, or on Jupyter Server, it will ask for confirmation then upload the file in 1 MB chunks.