Construct a new ABCWidgetFactory
Whether to automatically select the preferred kernel during a kernel start
Whether to automatically start the preferred kernel
Whether the widgets can start a kernel when opened.
The file types for which the factory should be the default.
The file types for which the factory should be the default for rendering a document model, if different from editing.
The file types the widget can view.
Get whether the model factory has been disposed.
The label of the widget to display in dialogs. If not given, name is used instead.
The registered name of the model type used to create the widgets.
A unique name identifying of the widget.
Whether the widgets prefer having a kernel started.
Whether the widget factory is read only.
Whether the kernel should be shutdown when the widget is closed.
Whether the kernel should be shutdown when the widget is closed.
The application language translator.
A signal emitted when a widget is created.
Create a new widget given a document model and a context.
It should emit the [widgetCreated] signal with the new widget.
source: IDocumentWidget<ImageViewer, DocumentRegistry.IModel>Protected
createCreate a new widget given a context.
defaultDefault factory for toolbar items to be added after the widget is created.
A widget factory for images.