A concrete implementation of an IModelDB.




_basePath: string
_disposables: DisposableSet = ...
_isDisposed: boolean = false
_toDispose: boolean = false
connected: Promise<void> = ...

A promise resolved when the model is connected to its backend. For the in-memory ModelDB it is immediately resolved.

isCollaborative: boolean = false

Whether the model is collaborative.

isPrepopulated: boolean = false

Whether the model has been populated with any model values.



  • Whether the IModelDB has an object at this path.


    • path: string

      the path for the object.

    Returns boolean

    a boolean for whether an object is at path.

  • Set a value at a path. Not intended to be called by user code, instead use the create* factory methods.


    • path: string

      the path to set the value at.

    • value: IObservable

      the value to set at the path.

    Returns void

  • Create a view onto a subtree of the model database.


    • basePath: string

      the path for the root of the subtree.

    Returns ModelDB

    an IModelDB with a view onto the original IModelDB, with basePath prepended to all paths.