Interface IEditorMimeTypeService

The mime type service of a code editor.

interface IEditorMimeTypeService {
    getMimeTypeByFilePath(filePath): string;
    getMimeTypeByLanguage(info): string;

Implemented by


    • Get a mime type for the given file path.


      • filePath: string

        The full path to the file.

      Returns string

      A valid mimetype.


      If a mime type cannot be found returns the default mime type text/plain, never null. There may be more than one mime type, but only the first one will be returned. To access all mime types, use IEditorLanguageRegistry instead.

    • Get a mime type for the given language info.


      Returns string

      A valid mimetype.


      If a mime type cannot be found returns the default mime type text/plain, never null. There may be more than one mime type, but only the first one will be returned. To access all mime types, use IEditorLanguageRegistry instead.