The options used to initialize a context.

interface IOptions<T> {
    factory: DocumentRegistry.IModelFactory<T, ISharedDocument>;
    kernelPreference?: IKernelPreference;
    lastModifiedCheckMargin?: number;
    manager: ServiceManager.IManager;
    opener?: ((widget) => void);
    path: string;
    sessionDialogs?: IDialogs;
    setBusy?: (() => IDisposable);
    translator?: ITranslator;

Type Parameters


The model factory used to create the model.

kernelPreference?: IKernelPreference

The kernel preference associated with the context.

lastModifiedCheckMargin?: number

Max acceptable difference, in milliseconds, between last modified timestamps on disk and client

A service manager instance.

opener?: ((widget) => void)

An optional callback for opening sibling widgets.

Type declaration

    • (widget): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void

path: string

The initial path of the file.

sessionDialogs?: IDialogs

The dialogs used for the session context.

setBusy?: (() => IDisposable)

A function to call when the kernel is busy.

Type declaration

translator?: ITranslator

The application language translator.