Object which manages kernel instances for a given base url.

The manager is responsible for maintaining the state of running kernels through polling the server. Use a manager if you want to be notified of changes to kernels.

interface IManager {
    connectionFailure: ISignal<Kernel.IManager, NetworkError>;
    disposed: ISignal<Kernel.IManager, void>;
    isActive: boolean;
    isDisposed: boolean;
    isReady: boolean;
    ready: Promise<void>;
    runningChanged: ISignal<Kernel.IManager, Kernel.IModel[]>;
    runningCount: number;
    serverSettings: ServerConnection.ISettings;
        options: Kernel.IKernelConnection.IOptions,
    ): Kernel.IKernelConnection;
    dispose(): void;
    findById(id: string): Promise<undefined | Kernel.IModel>;
    refreshRunning(): Promise<void>;
    running(): IterableIterator<Kernel.IModel>;
    shutdown(id: string): Promise<void>;
    shutdownAll(): Promise<void>;
        createOptions?: Partial<Pick<Kernel.IModel, "name">>,
        connectOptions?: Omit<
            | "model",
    ): Promise<Kernel.IKernelConnection>;

Hierarchy (View Summary)

Implemented by


connectionFailure: ISignal<Kernel.IManager, NetworkError>

A signal emitted when there is a server API connection failure.

disposed: ISignal<Kernel.IManager, void>

A signal emitted when the object is disposed.

isActive: boolean

Whether the manager is active.

isDisposed: boolean

Test whether the object has been disposed.

This property is always safe to access.

isReady: boolean

Whether the manager is ready.

ready: Promise<void>

A promise that resolves when the manager is initially ready.

runningChanged: ISignal<Kernel.IManager, Kernel.IModel[]>

A signal emitted when the running kernels change.

runningCount: number

The number of running kernels.

serverSettings: ServerConnection.ISettings

The server settings for the manager.


  • Dispose of the resources held by the object.

    If the object's dispose method is called more than once, all calls made after the first will be a no-op.

    It is undefined behavior to use any functionality of the object after it has been disposed unless otherwise explicitly noted.

    Returns void

  • Force a refresh of the running kernels.

    Returns Promise<void>

    A promise that resolves when the models are refreshed.

    This is intended to be called only in response to a user action, since the manager maintains its internal state.