The options used to create a service manager.

interface IOptions {
    builder: Builder.IManager;
    contents: Contents.IManager;
    defaultDrive: IDrive;
    events: Event.IManager;
    kernels: Kernel.IManager;
    kernelspecs: KernelSpec.IManager;
    nbconvert: NbConvert.IManager;
    ready: Promise<void>;
    serverSettings: ServerConnection.ISettings;
    sessions: Session.IManager;
    settings: Setting.IManager;
    standby: Standby | (() => boolean | Standby);
    terminals: Terminal.IManager;
    user: User.IManager;
    workspaces: Workspace.IManager;


  • IManagers
    • IOptions


builder: Builder.IManager

The builder for the manager.


will be removed in JupyterLab v5

contents: Contents.IManager

The contents manager for the manager.

defaultDrive: IDrive

The default drive for the contents manager.

events: Event.IManager

The events service manager.

kernels: Kernel.IManager

The kernel manager of the manager.

kernelspecs: KernelSpec.IManager

The kernelspec manager for the manager.

nbconvert: NbConvert.IManager

The nbconvert manager for the manager.

ready: Promise<void>

A promise that fulfills when the manager is initially ready.

serverSettings: ServerConnection.ISettings

The server settings of the manager.

sessions: Session.IManager

The session manager for the manager.

settings: Setting.IManager

The setting manager for the manager.

standby: Standby | (() => boolean | Standby)

When the manager stops polling the API. Defaults to when-hidden.

Type declaration

    • (): boolean | Standby
    • Returns boolean | Standby

terminals: Terminal.IManager

The terminals manager for the manager.

The user manager for the manager.

workspaces: Workspace.IManager

The workspace manager for the manager.