JupyterLab URLs#

Like the classic notebook, JupyterLab provides a way for users to copy URLs that open a specific notebook or file. Additionally, JupyterLab URLs are an advanced part of the user interface that allows for managing workspaces. These two functions – file paths and workspaces – can be combined in URLs that open a specific file in a specific workspace.

File Navigation with /tree#

JupyterLab’s file navigation URLs adopts the nomenclature of the classic notebook; these URLs are /tree URLs:


By default, the file browser will navigate to the folder containing the requested file. This behavior can be changed with the optional file-browser-path query parameter:


Entering the above URL will show the workspace root folder instead of the /path/to/ folder in the file browser.

Linking Notebook Sections#

To create an URL which will scroll to a specific heading in the notebook append a hash (#) followed by the heading text with spaces replaced by minus characters (-), for example:


To get a link for a specific heading, hover over it in a rendered markdown cell until you see a pilcrow mark () which will contain the desired anchor link:


Currently disambiguation of headings with identical text is not supported.

JupyterLab experimentally supports scrolling to a specified cell by identifier using #cell-id=<cell-id> Fragment Identification Syntax.



The cell-id fragment locator is not part of a formal Jupyter standard and subject to change. To leave feedback, please comment in the discussion: nbformat#317.

Managing Workspaces (URL)#

JupyterLab sessions always reside in a workspace. Workspaces contain the state of JupyterLab: the files that are currently open, the layout of the application areas and tabs, etc. When the page is refreshed, the workspace is restored.

The default workspace does not have a name and resides at the primary /lab URL:


All other workspaces have a name that is part of the URL:


Workspaces save their state on the server and can be shared between multiple users (or browsers) as long as they have access to the same server.

A workspace should only be open in a single browser tab at a time. If JupyterLab detects that a workspace is being opened multiple times simultaneously, it will prompt for a new workspace name.

Cloning Workspaces#

You can copy the contents of a workspace into another workspace with the clone url parameter.

To copy the contents of the workspace foo into the workspace bar:


To copy the contents of the default workspace into the workspace foo:


To copy the contents of the workspace foo into the default workspace:


Resetting a Workspace#

Use the reset url parameter to clear a workspace of its contents.

To reset the contents of the workspace foo:


To reset the contents of the default workspace:


Combining URL Functions#

These URL functions can be used separately, as above, or in combination.

To reset the workspace foo and load a specific notebook afterward:


To clone the contents of the workspace bar into the workspace foo and load a notebook afterward:


To reset the contents of the default workspace and load a notebook:
