The default implementation for a session context object.




_busyDisposable: null | IDisposable = null
_connectionStatusChanged: Signal<SessionContext, Kernel.ConnectionStatus> = ...
_dialog: null | Dialog<any> = null
_disposed: Signal<SessionContext, void> = ...
_initPromise: PromiseDelegate<boolean> = ...
_initStarted: PromiseDelegate<void> = ...
_initializing: boolean = false
_isDisposed: boolean = false
_isReady: boolean = false
_isRestarting: boolean = false
_isTerminating: boolean = false
_kernelChanged: Signal<SessionContext, IKernelChangedArgs> = ...
_kernelPreference: IKernelPreference
_name: string = ''
_path: string = ''
_pendingInput: boolean = false
_pendingKernelName: string = ''
_pendingSessionRequest: string = ''
_prevKernelName: string = ''
_propertyChanged: Signal<SessionContext, "type" | "name" | "path"> = ...
_ready: PromiseDelegate<void> = ...
_session: null | ISessionConnection = null
_sessionChanged: Signal<SessionContext, IChangedArgs<null | ISessionConnection, null | ISessionConnection, "session">> = ...
_setBusy: undefined | (() => IDisposable)

Type declaration

_statusChanged: Signal<SessionContext, Status> = ...
_type: string = ''
kernelManager?: Kernel.IManager

The kernel manager

sessionManager: Session.IManager

The session manager used by the session.

specsManager: KernelSpec.IManager

The kernel spec manager

translator: ITranslator



  • Initialize the session context

    Returns Promise<boolean>

    A promise that resolves with whether to ask the user to select a kernel.


    If a server session exists on the current path, we will connect to it. If preferences include disabling canStart or shouldStart, no server session will be started. If a kernel id is given, we attempt to start a session with that id. If a default kernel is available, we connect to it. Otherwise we ask the user to select a kernel.