Construct a new base cell widget.
contentThe content factory used by the widget.
nodeGet the DOM node owned by the widget.
translatorThe dataset for the widget's DOM node.
Get the CodeEditor used by the cell.
Get the CodeEditorWrapper used by the cell.
Get the method for hiding the widget.
Set the method for hiding the widget.
Get the id of the widget's DOM node.
Set the id of the widget's DOM node.
Whether the cell is in viewport or not.
This property is managed by the windowed container which holds the cell.
When a cell is not in a windowed container, it always returns false
but this may change in the future major version.
Will emit true just after the node is attached to the DOM Will emit false just before the node is detached of the DOM
The view state of input being hidden.
Test whether the widget's node is attached to the DOM.
Test whether the widget has been disposed.
Test whether the widget is explicitly hidden.
Test whether the widget is visible.
A widget is visible when it is attached to the DOM, is not explicitly hidden, and has no explicitly hidden ancestors.
Get the layout for the widget.
Set the layout for the widget.
The layout is single-use only. It cannot be changed after the first assignment.
The layout is disposed automatically when the widget is disposed.
Get the parent of the widget.
Set the parent of the widget.
Children are typically added to a widget by using a layout, which means user code will not normally set the parent widget directly.
The widget will be automatically removed from its old parent.
This is a no-op if there is no effective parent change.
placeholderWhether the cell is a placeholder not yet fully rendered or not.
Get the prompt node used by the cell.
The read only state of the cell.
Signal emitted when cell requests scrolling to its element.
Whether to sync the collapse state to the cell model.
Whether to sync the editable state to the cell model.
The title object for the widget.
The title object is used by some container widgets when displaying the widget alongside some title, such as a tab panel or side bar.
Since not all widgets will use the title, it is created on demand.
The owner
property of the title is set to this widget.
_attachTakes in a file object and adds it to the cell attachments
_attachAttaches all DataTransferItems (obtained from clipboard or native drop events) to the cell
_evtHandle the drop
event for the widget
_evtHandle the paste
event for the widget
_setPost an 'activate-request'
message to the widget.
This is a simple convenience method for posting the message.
Add a class name to the widget's DOM node.
The class name to add to the node.
If the class name is already added to the node, this is a no-op.
The class name must not contain whitespace.
Create an iterator over the widget's children.
A new iterator over the children of the widget.
The widget must have a populated layout in order to have children.
If a layout is not installed, the returned iterator will be empty.
Send a 'close-request'
message to the widget.
This is a simple convenience method for sending the message.
Test whether a widget is a descendant of this widget.
The descendant widget of interest.
if the widget is a descendant, false
Post a 'fit-request'
message to the widget.
This is a simple convenience method for posting the message.
getGet the editor options at initialization.
Editor options
handleHandle the input being hidden.
This is called by the inputHidden
setter so that subclasses
can perform actions upon the input being hidden without accessing
private state.
initializeDOMInitialize view state from model.
Should be called after construction. For convenience, returns this, so it
can be chained in the construction, like new Foo().initializeState();
Whether the cell is a placeholder that defer rendering
You can wait for the promise Cell.ready
to wait for the
cell to be rendered.
notifyInvoke the message processing routine of the widget's layout.
The message to dispatch to the layout.
This is a no-op if the widget does not have a layout.
This will not typically be called directly by user code.
onA message handler invoked on an 'after-detach'
The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
onA message handler invoked on an 'after-hide'
The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
onA message handler invoked on an 'after-show'
The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
onA message handler invoked on a 'before-hide'
The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
onA message handler invoked on a 'before-show'
The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
onA message handler invoked on a 'child-added'
The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
onA message handler invoked on a 'child-removed'
The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
onA message handler invoked on a 'close-request'
The default implementation unparents or detaches the widget.
onA message handler invoked on a 'fit-request'
The default implementation of this handler is a no-op.
onHandle changes in the metadata.
onRemove a class name from the widget's DOM node.
The class name to remove from the node.
If the class name is not yet added to the node, this is a no-op.
The class name must not contain whitespace.
Show or hide the widget according to a boolean value.
to hide the widget, or false
to show it.
This is a convenience method for hide()
and show()
Test whether the given widget flag is set.
This will not typically be called directly by user code.
Toggle a class name on the widget's DOM node.
The class name to toggle on the node.
force: booleanWhether to force add the class (true
) or force
remove the class (false
). If not provided, the presence of
the class will be toggled from its current state.
if the class is now present, false
The class name must not contain whitespace.
Post an 'update-request'
message to the widget.
This is a simple convenience method for posting the message.
updateUpdate the editor configuration with the partial provided dictionary.
Partial editor configuration
- A base class for a cell widget that allows attachments to be drag/drop'd or pasted onto it