The instantiation options for provider reconciliator.


  • IOptions


Completion context that will be used in the fetch method of provider.

List of inline completion providers, may be empty.

inlineProvidersSettings?: {
    [providerId: string]: {
        debouncerDelay: number;
        enabled: boolean;
        timeout: number;
        [property: string]: JSONValue;

Type declaration

  • [providerId: string]: {
        debouncerDelay: number;
        enabled: boolean;
        timeout: number;
        [property: string]: JSONValue;
    • [property: string]: JSONValue
    • debouncerDelay: number
    • enabled: boolean
    • timeout: number

List of completion providers, assumed to contain at least one provider.

timeout: number

How long should we wait for each of the providers to resolve fetch promise

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