Interface IAttachmentsModel

The model for attachments.


Implemented by


A signal emitted when the model changes.

The attachment content factory used by the model.

isDisposed: boolean

Test whether the object has been disposed.


This property is always safe to access.

keys: readonly string[]

The keys of the attachments in the model.

length: number

The length of the items in the model.

remove: ((key) => void)

Type declaration

    • (key): void
    • Remove the attachment whose name is the specified key. Note that this is optional only until Jupyterlab 2.0 release.


      • key: string

      Returns void

stateChanged: ISignal<IAttachmentsModel, void>

A signal emitted when the model state changes.


  • Clear all of the attachments.

    Returns void

  • Dispose of the resources held by the object.


    If the object's dispose method is called more than once, all calls made after the first will be a no-op.

    Undefined Behavior

    It is undefined behavior to use any functionality of the object after it has been disposed unless otherwise explicitly noted.

    Returns void

  • Deserialize the model from JSON.


    This will clear any existing data.


    Returns void

  • Get an item for the specified key.


    • key: string

    Returns IAttachmentModel

  • Whether the specified key is set.


    • key: string

    Returns boolean

  • Set the value of the specified key.


    Returns void

  • Serialize the model to JSON.

    Returns IAttachments

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