The data model backing a code completer widget.


Implemented by


current: ITextState

The current text state details.

cursor: ICursorSpan

The cursor details that the API has used to return matching options.

isDisposed: boolean

Test whether the object has been disposed.


This property is always safe to access.

original: ITextState

The original completer request details.

query: string

The query against which items are filtered.

A signal emitted when query string changes (at invocation, or as user types).

stateChanged: ISignal<Completer.IModel, void>

A signal emitted when state of the completer model changes.

subsetMatch: boolean

A flag that is true when the model value was modified by a subset match.


  • Get the list of visible CompletionItems in the completer menu.

    Returns ICompletionItems

  • Create a resolved patch between the original state and a patch string.


    • patch: string

    Returns IPatch

  • Dispose of the resources held by the object.


    If the object's dispose method is called more than once, all calls made after the first will be a no-op.

    Undefined Behavior

    It is undefined behavior to use any functionality of the object after it has been disposed unless otherwise explicitly noted.

    Returns void

  • Handle a cursor change.


    Returns void

  • Handle a completion request.


    Returns void

  • An ordered list of types used for visual encoding.

    Returns string[]

  • Reset the state of the model and emit a state change signal.


    • Optional hard: boolean

      Reset even if a subset match is in progress.

    Returns void

  • Lazy load missing data of an item.


    Resolving item by index will be deprecated in the next major release.


    Returns Promise<ICompletionItem>

    Return undefined if the completion item with activeIndex index can not be found. Return a promise of null if another resolveItem is called. Otherwise return the promise of resolved completion item.

  • Set the list of visible CompletionItems in the completer menu.


    Returns void

  • The map from identifiers (a.b) to their types (function, module, class, instance, etc.).

    Returns TypeMap

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