linkThe object used to handle path opening links.
markdownThe Markdown parser for the rendermime.
mimeThe ordered list of mimeTypes.
resolverThe object used to resolve relative urls for the rendermime instance.
sanitizerThe sanitizer used by the rendermime instance.
Add a renderer factory to the rendermime.
The renderer factory of interest.
rank: numberThe rank of the renderer. A lower rank indicates
a higher priority for rendering. If not given, the rank will
defer to the defaultRank
of the factory. If no defaultRank
is given, it will default to 100.
The renderer will replace an existing renderer for the given mimeType.
Create a clone of this rendermime instance.
options: ICloneOptionsThe options for configuring the clone.
A new independent clone of the rendermime.
Create a renderer for a mime type.
The mime type of interest.
A new renderer for the given mime type.
An error if no factory exists for the mime type.
Get the renderer factory registered for a mime type.
The mime type of interest.
The factory for the mime type, or undefined
Find the preferred mime type for a mime bundle.
The bundle of mime data.
safe: "any" | "ensure" | "prefer"How to consider safe/unsafe factories. If 'ensure', it will only consider safe factories. If 'any', any factory will be considered. If 'prefer', unsafe factories will be considered, but only after the safe options have been exhausted.
The preferred mime type from the available factories,
or undefined
if the mime type cannot be rendered.
The LaTeX typesetter for the rendermime.